any pronouns prefers they/them capricorn isfj-t gmt+8

My Print
cats. relaxing music. big naughty. callisto <3 sleep. reading. fashion. coquette. cyberpunk. anything that is minimalistic. making carrds.

please consider using my referral code maize to receive 30% off your crd pro upgrade or renewal, I'd appreciate it a lot and it won't cost u anything!

Before You Follow
heavy cursing and uses all caps. It takes me 3 business days to reply/sarc I just don't reply right away unless it's very urg. I go ia without notice. I'm quite sarcastic (its my humor) but ik my limits. my accs are not spoiler free. not in any subtwt. I use tone indicators sometimes.

Do Not Interact
fits basic dni criteria. you're -13/25+ (unless I know you irl or a trusted friend of mine). supports asian hate or fetishizes asians. asiaboo. proshipper. thinks that being rude/mean is a funny personality. uses fonts. invalidates prns. toxic & disrespectful. problematic in general.

a beloved existence, romance 101, daytime star, eleceed, study group, seasons of blossom, the fox club

Historical Manhwas
(yes i love villains)
villains are destined to die, the villainess turns the hourglass, secret lady, kill the villainess, the villainess flips the script, the siren becoming the villain's family, isn't being a wicked woman much better

Shoujo Mangas
neko to kiss, yubisaki to renren, tonari no stella, short cake cake, loving yamada at lv99